Thursday, April 24, 2014

"Je t'aime Paris: La Deuxième Partie"


I have been back in Bath now for some time since my last post, but with three papers due this week, I haven't had the time to update the blog. On Easter, Mackenzie arrived safely back in the States and I expect she is now suffering through the homework catch-up process just as I am. As I am looking back through these pictures, all I want to do is hop on the next flight to Paris...

Our second day in Paris after our excursion to Bayeux mainly centered around all things Eiffel Tower. We decided to spend the whole afternoon there, moseying around the gardens at the base, eating lunch on the first floor, and even taking the lift up to the very top to get a panoramic view of the city.
Our picnic lunch at 58 Restaurant on the first floor. The food was surprising very good and didn't cost an arm and a leg! We even had our picture taken by the professional roaming the restaurant and bought a few copies as a memento of the wonderful time we spent in the City of Light!
The view from the top of the Eiffel Tower... of all the views that we saw from atop huge buildings (the Colosseum, St. Peter's Basilica, the Notre Dame...) the Eiffel Tower had to be the best; perhaps, because it was by far the highest. All of the people looked like little ants running around and the cars seemed about the size of a Matchbox car :)
After our climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower, we walked up to the Arc de Triomphe and then down along the Champs Elysees past all the multitudes of shops. Of course, Mackenzie and I had already seen both of these at night... we took a taxi to get to our hotel on the first night we were in Paris because it was almost 11pm and we didn't feel like trying to navigate the French metro when we were both exhausted; unfortunately, our taxi driver took us for the naive travelers that we were and completely ripped us off by driving all over the city to rack up the meter. We didn't realize it until the 7 minute taxi ride (what I had mapped out and planned for) had taken over 20 minutes and ended up costing around 40 euros... by far the most expensive taxi ride I will ever take in my life. 
The Champs Elysees! Mackenzie had a grand ole' time using her French skills while we were in Paris, whereas I just kinda nodded and smiled a lot :) I found that most people assumed we were English tourists anyway and would speak to us in English first before saying anything in French.
The Eiffel Tower at night was absolutely mesmerizing. For the first five minutes at the start of every hour once the sun has set the Eiffel Tower will do the glittering light show, which was definitely one of my favorite sights of the day. 
We also were able to see a bunch of the Parisian sights at night all lit up, including the Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame, and the Louvre to name a few, by taking a Seine River boat ride, Mackenzie's brilliant idea :)
Melanie and my obligatory traveling picture at the train station on the way back to Bath. Melanie joined Mackenzie and I for the last day of Paris and the journey back to England by way of the Chunnel. Mackenzie thought the Chunnel was a bit underwhelming, but hey... she can now say that she traveled from France to England underwater!
One of the other major aspects of all our traveling was the food! I thought the Italian food beat out French food hands down, and all the delicacies that we sampled, namely Italian gelato and French chocolate croissants and crepes, will forever be ruined because nothing in the States could ever compare. I realize this was a bit of a shorter post, so be sure to check in tomorrow to see the second half of our extended spring break spent in Bath, Manchester, and London!

Au revoir!

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